

爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.1爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.2爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.3爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.4爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.5爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.6爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.13爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.14爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.15爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.16爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.17爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.18爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.19爱我就让我快乐 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-10-03 21:20


  乔伊(简·亚当斯 Jane Adams 饰)、海伦(劳拉·弗林·鲍尔 Lara Flynn Boyle 饰)和崔西(辛西娅·斯蒂文森 Cynthia Stevenson 饰)是情同手足的三姐妹,三人从小玩到大,共同度过了一段无忧无虑的童年时光。长大后,三姐妹踏入了复杂混乱的社会,亦遇到了每个女人都逃不过的情感难题。  乔伊和男友之间的关系一直都充满了纠葛。崔西嫁给了心理医生比尔(迪伦·贝克 Dylan Baker 饰),哪知道看上去仪表堂堂的他隐藏了一个肮脏而又丑恶的秘密。艾伦(菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 Philip Seymour Hoffman 饰)是比尔的病人,一次偶然中,他邂逅了风情万种的海伦,就此坠入爱河无法自拔。与此同时,三姐妹的父母突然宣布要结束他们为期四十年的婚姻。


 1 ) 看这片子我咋这么happy


以前没看过Todd Solondz的电影,看了此片后兴奋得接连几天看了另外几部他的作品。Welcome to the Dollhouse 欢迎来到玩具屋(1995),Palindromes 回文(2004),Life During Wartime 战争时期的生活(2009,算happiness的续集)。可惜喜爱的程度和年份增长成反比。


两个多小时的电影一点不觉得长,一直在大笑或扑哧中度过,大概极端符合我的恶趣味吧。让我笑得如此会心的怕只有Luis Buñuel的某些电影了吧。尤其喜欢那个爱提问题的小男孩,每次都犹犹豫豫但说的话又很赤裸。娈童癖的爸爸这个演员(Dylan Baker)选的太好了,比“战争时期的生活”里那个逼真多了,那种掩饰不掉的欲望尽在眼底。那个宅男(Philip Seymour Hoffman饰)也演得特别好。他演过的角色多少有些这种木讷无趣的感觉,但我觉得他其实挺性感的(如果不那么胖的话)。



 2 ) It not that that i can....


Todd Solondz's ``Happiness'' is a film that perplexes its viewers, even those who admire it, because it challenges the ways we attempt to respond to it. Is it a portrait of desperate human sadness? Then why are we laughing? Is it an ironic comedy? Then why its tenderness with these lonely people? Is it about depravity? Yes, but why does it make us suspect, uneasily, that the depraved are only seeking what we all seek, but with a lack of ordinary moral vision? In a film that looks into the abyss of human despair, there is the horrifying suggestion that these characters may not be grotesque exceptions, but may in fact be part of the mainstream of humanity. Whenever a serial killer or a sex predator is arrested, we turn to the paper to find his neighbors saying that the monster ``seemed just like anyone else.'' ``Happiness'' is a movie about closed doors--apartment doors, bedroom doors and the doors of the unconscious. It moves back and forth between several stories, which often link up. It shows us people who want to be loved and who never will be--because of their emotional incompetence and arrested development. There are lots of people who do find love and fulfillment, but they are not in this movie.

Why see the film? ``Happiness'' is about its unhappy characters, in a way that helps us see them a little more clearly, to feel sorry for them, and at the same time to see how closely tragedy and farce come together in the messiness of sexuality. Does ``Happiness'' exploit its controversial subjects? Finally, no: It sees them as symptoms of desperation and sadness. It is more exploitative to create a child molester as a convenient villain, as many movies do; by disregarding his humanity and seeing him as an object, such movies do the same thing that a molester does.
那么为什么要看这部电影?它讲述了那些不幸福的人物。讲述的方式让我们看他们看的更清楚,开始同情他们,同时让我们看到悲剧和戏剧相结合的两性之间的乱事。影片是在剖析(exploit)这些具争议性的话题吗?到最后我们发现没有。它把这些东西看作是绝望和悲伤的症状。更加赤裸的剖析,应该就和大多数电影一样,把一个性骚扰儿童者塑造成一个信手拈来的坏蛋(convenient villain)。但是影片把他的人格降级,把他看作一个物体。这种做法无异于一个性骚扰者。

These are the kinds of thoughts ``Happiness'' inspires. It is not a film for most people. It is certainly for adults only. But it shows Todd Solondz as a filmmaker who deserves attention, who hears the unhappiness in the air and seeks its sources.

 3 ) will you fuck me? no i jerk off instead

will you fuck me? no i jerk off instead
will you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off insteadwill you fuck me? no i jerk off instead

 4 ) A perfect film for 愤青 everywhere

The Song of Songs for angry youths everywhere! Projects a dark and sado-masochist view of American Suburbia, revelling in gross exaggerations and baroque parodies, and gleefully smearing all characters in gores and feces.

You will like this film if you are in your adolescence and hate the whole universe, and if you prefer to believe all adults are devious, under-sexed, "annimals of two backs", and if, as a result, you don't wish to ever grow up to register truths or half-truths, instead of cosy demonic fantasies and pent-up venom.

Which is to say, if you are an American of 15-35 years of age, self-righteous, jaundiced, poorly adjusted, out of tune with love, friendship and any kind of fulfilling relationship, and out of touch with reality.

 5 ) To Happiness

I finally finished watching this movie, I wanted to ditch it when I first saw an old and pathetic guy jerking off in the backseat of a car. That is some seriously fucked up shit. Some scenes are so depressing and disturbing. But I have to say it's a great movie. It got me thinking. Cause all those sick, twisted perverts are not so different from us, they are one of us. If they are just portrayed as "weirdos", we can just paint them with one big brush and move on with our lives; but they are not, they are normal people, just like you and me. And we have to live with the fact that deep down inside our hearts, there're something dark and twisted hiding.

 6 ) 看这个片子得要有合适的情绪





幸福在哪里啊幸福在哪里?反社会心理学父亲公园草地梦游机枪扫射,腹黑雪糕肥妹分尸藏肉冰箱,俄罗斯混账小偷浪漫吉他一曲……在美式合家欢电影模式下,散播各种残酷恐怖,没有出路。怀念Philip Seymour Hoffman

  • kylegun
  • 力荐

This shit is crazy... Soooo good!!!!!! Funny and sad and dark. Just so my type!!!

  • The_Carrot
  • 力荐


  • 欢场华佗
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more interesting than dark horse!分寸感拿捏得真好

  • woodyallen
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Finally we are alone.

  • 看不见的城市
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  • Katje
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  • kingsoon
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  • chamatin
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079 Solondz.Todd_(1998)_Happiness

  • 8月12日
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  • 米粒
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  • 橙子换马甲
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"Come, come, you answer with an idle tongue. Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue."……不知怎得就想起哈姆雷特这两句。gogo指片中各种离奇悲催死法;comecome算本片的一道极具争议性的叙事卖点。wicked tongue则代表了导演的创作思维:消沉暗黑突破禁忌却也无妨,可不加节制多头并进这边刚喷墙那边就自杀再转一下台天啊娈童直播!……就让人难以消受了。观众情绪引领上,主旋律堆叠与全负面罗列所产生的效果是一样的,如何把握节奏控制力度索伦兹真的应该好好学学群角喜剧宗师罗伯特奥特曼。

  • 赱馬觀♣
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- Don't worry. I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing with you. - But I'm not laughing.

  • water
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i'm sick , suck my life.

  • 翠西 。o 0 O
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颇为震惊!这门手艺现在已经绝后了啊:就是让观众跨越道德线的体验与部分认同“坏人”的塑造手法,这个精确度感觉就像用写剧本来绣花,真就强行用剧本技巧让观众暂时忘掉道德伦理去认同人物。现在的绝大多数剧本要么不敢跨越道德线,要么拼命解释坏人为什么坏,要么借助别的力量比如政治正确,利用观众心中已经建立的秩序来保护自己……看到Happiness这样的电影会越发觉得现在这些套路很没劲儿。PS. 感觉《纪念品1》有点儿这个意思,但还是,不够坏

  • 力荐

Edward Hopper + Raymond Carver #stupid american丧到爆的日常#

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  • 冰山李
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我想那么年轻 那么干净地生活着 直到自己可以毫无防备地突然失踪在马路上的那一天 ...

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